Tue Oct 20 00:01:01 2020

/home/sbinger1/pencil-code/bin/pencil-test --auto-test-options=--config-files='/home/sbinger1/bin/GNU_Linux.conf' -D /home/sbinger1/pencil-code --use-pc_auto-test -N15 -uc -rs -l -H


Updated to git revision 14f062517091db0ef566ecc01e6f67d13cc33799

samples/no-modules: (1/59)
    Compiling..            [double]           ok        00:37
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:37 = 00:37 + 00:00

samples/most-modules: (2/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:32
    Starting..                                ok        00:01
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:16
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:50 = 01:32 + 00:17

samples/backwards-compatible: (3/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:20
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:21 = 01:20 + 00:00

samples/1d-tests/implicit_diffusion: (4/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:53
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:53 = 00:53 + 00:00

samples/2d-tests/chemistry_GrayScott: (5/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:45
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:04
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:50 = 00:45 + 00:04

samples/2d-tests/shearwave-dust-par: (6/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:08
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:06
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:15 = 01:08 + 00:07

samples/dust-vortex: (7/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:08
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:03
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:12 = 01:08 + 00:03

samples/damped_alfven_waves: (8/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:12
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        02:06
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        03:19 = 01:12 + 02:06

samples/corona: (9/59)
    Compiling..                               not ok:   00:25
Running make '-j' 'FFLAGS_DOUBLE=-fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8' 'CFLAGS_DOUBLE=-DDOUBLE_PRECISION' 'LD_MPI=' 'CFLAGS_FFTW3=' 'FFLAGS_FFTW3=' 'LD_FFTW3=' 'CFLAGS_FFTW2=' 'FFLAGS_FFTW2=' 'LD_FFTW2=' 'FC=mpif90' 'F77=mpif77' 'FFLAGS=-O' 'LDFLAGS_HELPER=-dynamic -ldl' 'FSTD_95=-std=f95' 'FSTD_2003=-std=f2003' 'CC=mpicc' 'CFLAGS=-DFUNDERSC=1' 'default_to_be'
MAKING src/Makefile.inc
precision-check: No such file src/.current-precision -- creating new one at ./src/scripts/precision-check line 36.
touch src/.build-history
echo "@"`hostname` "("`date`")" >> src/.build-history
( cd src && \
  echo "===== " make FROM_PARENT=src/ -f Makefile.src code "====="; \
  make FROM_PARENT=src/ -f Makefile.src default_to_be \
=====  make FROM_PARENT=src/ -f Makefile.src code =====
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/sbinger1/pencil-code/samples/corona/src'
scripts/mkcparam -b noborder_profiles.f90 nochemistry.f90 nochiral.f90 nocosmicray.f90 nocosmicrayflux.f90 density.f90 deriv.f90 nodetonate.f90 nodustdensity.f90 nodustvelocity.f90 temperature_idealgas.f90 eos_idealgas.f90 nofixed_point.f90 noforcing.f90 gravity_simple.f90 nogpu.f90 grid.f90 noheatflux.f90 hydro.f90 nohyperresi_strict.f90 nohypervisc_strict.f90 noimplicit_diffusion.f90 noimplicit_physics.f90 noinitial_condition.f90 nointerstellar.f90 nolorenz_gauge.f90 magnetic.f90 magnetic/nomeanfield.f90 magnetic/nomeanfield_demfdt.f90 noneutraldensity.f90 noneutralvelocity.f90 noNSCBC.f90 noopacity.f90 noparticles.f90 noparticles_adaptation.f90 noparticles_coagulation.f90 noparticles_condensation.f90  noparticles_collisions.f90 noparticles_map.f90 noparticles_density.f90  noparticles_mass.f90 noparticles_number.f90 noparticles_radius.f90 noparticles_potential.f90 noparticles_grad.f90 noparticles_selfgravity.f90 noparticles_sink.f90 noparticles_drag.f90 noparticles_spin.f90 noparticles_stalker.f90 noparticles_lyapunov.f90 noparticles_caustics.f90 noparticles_tetrad.f90 noparticles_stirring.f90 noparticles_diagnos_dv.f90 noparticles_diagnos_state.f90 noparticles_persistence.f90 noparticles_temperature.f90 noparticles_adsorbed.f90 noparticles_surfspec.f90 noparticles_chemistry.f90 nopointmasses.f90 nopoisson.f90 nopolymer.f90 nopower_spectrum.f90 nopscalar.f90 noradiation.f90 noselfgravity.f90 noshear.f90 shock.f90 nosignal_handling.f90 nosolid_cells.f90 special/solar_corona.f90 noascalar.f90 nostreamlines.f90  notestfield.f90 notestflow.f90 notestscalar.f90 viscosity.f90 cparam.local
### ¡¡¡WARNING!!! ###: oxu multiply declared: in hydro.f90 magnetic.f90
${PENCIL_HOME}/utils/pc_identify_revision --reset
make -f Makefile.src  start.o run.o start.x run.x
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/sbinger1/pencil-code/samples/corona/src'
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8   -std=f95 -o cparam.o -c cparam.f90
mpicc -DFUNDERSC=1 -DDOUBLE_PRECISION   -o syscalls_ansi.o -c syscalls_ansi.c
sed -e 's/REAL/DOUBLE_PRECISION/g' -e 's/MPI_COMPLEX/MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX/g' mpicomm.f90 > mpicomm_double.f90
scripts/mkdummyinc -d file_io_common.f90 -s file_io_f95.f90 -o file_io_common.inc
mpif90   -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -c geometrical_types.f90 -o geometrical_types.o
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8     -o fftpack.o -c fftpack.f90
scripts/mkdummyinc -d nospecial.f90 -s special/solar_corona.f90 -o special_dummies.inc
mpicc -DFUNDERSC=1 -DDOUBLE_PRECISION   -o nogsl.o -c nogsl.c

    , 'va2             ', 'jxb             ', 'jxbr            ', 'jxbr2           '  &
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o cdata.o -c cdata.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o syscalls.o -c syscalls.f90

         call passb4 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passb4 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passb2 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passb2 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passb3 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passb3 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passb5 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passb5 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passb ( nac, 2*ido, ip, l1, idl1, c, c, c, ch, ch, wa(iw) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passb ( nac, 2*ido, ip, l1, idl1, ch, ch, ch, c, c, wa(iw) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

   call cfftb1 ( n, c, wsave(1), wsave(2*n+1), wsave(4*n+1) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ch’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to COMPLEX(8)

         call passf4 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passf4 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passf2 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passf2 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passf3 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passf3 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passf5 ( 2*ido, l1, c, ch, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passf5 ( 2*ido, l1, ch, c, wa(iw), wa(ix2), wa(ix3), wa(ix4) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passf ( nac, 2*ido, ip, l1, idl1, c, c, c, ch, ch, wa(iw) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

         call passf ( nac, 2*ido, ip, l1, idl1, ch, ch, ch, c, c, wa(iw) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘cc’ at (1); passed COMPLEX(8) to REAL(8)

   call cfftf1 ( n, c, wsave(1), wsave(2*n+1), wsave(4*n+1) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ch’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to COMPLEX(8)

   call cffti1 ( n, wsave(2*n+1), wsave(4*n+1) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ifac’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to INTEGER(4)

   call rfftb1 ( n, r, wsave(1), wsave(n+1), wsave(2*n+1) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ifac’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to INTEGER(4)

   call rfftf1 ( n, r, wsave(1), wsave(n+1), wsave(2*n+1) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ifac’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to INTEGER(4)

   call rffti1 ( n, wsave(n+1), wsave(2*n+1) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ifac’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to INTEGER(4)

   call dfftf1 ( n, r, wsave(1), wsave(n+1), wsave(2*n+1) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ifac’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to INTEGER(4)

   call dffti1 ( n, wsave(n+1), wsave(2*n+1) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ifac’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to INTEGER(4)

   call dsint1 ( n, x, wsave(1), wsave(iw1), wsave(iw2), wsave(iw3) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ifac’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to INTEGER(4)

   call ezffti1 ( n, wsave(2*n+1), wsave(3*n+1) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ifac’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to INTEGER(4)

   call rsint1 ( n, x, wsave(1), wsave(iw1), wsave(iw2), wsave(iw3) )
Warning: Type mismatch in argument ‘ifac’ at (1); passed REAL(8) to INTEGER(4)
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o particles_cdata.o -c particles_cdata.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o general.o -c general.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o noyinyang.o -c noyinyang.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o slices_methods.o -c slices_methods.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o noweno_transport.o -c noweno_transport.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -o mpicomm_double.o -c mpicomm_double.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o messages.o -c messages.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o ghost_check.o -c ghost_check.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o nogpu.o -c nogpu.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o nosolid_cells_mpicomm.o -c nosolid_cells_mpicomm.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o deriv.o -c deriv.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -o file_io_f95.o -c file_io_f95.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o noyinyang_mpi.o -c noyinyang_mpi.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o shared_variables.o -c shared_variables.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o debug_io_dist.o -c debug_io_dist.f90
mpif90 -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8    -std=f95 -o noimplicit_diffusion.o -c noimplicit_diffusion.f90

              ( 3572100.0 * f( l1:l2 , m + 2 , n + 1 , k ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)

                ( 1170.0 * f( l1+1:l2+1 , m + 3 , n - 1 , ik ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)

                ( 1170.0 * f( l1+1:l2+1 , m - 1 , n + 3 , ik ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)

                ( 1170.0 * f( l1+3:l2+3 , m + 1 , n - 1 , ik ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)

                ( 1170.0 * f( l1-1:l2-1 , m + 1 , n + 3 , ik ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)

                ( 1170.0 * f( l1+3:l2+3 , m - 1 , n + 1 , ik ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)

                ( 1170.0 * f( l1-1:l2-1 , m + 3 , n + 1 , ik ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)

                ( 1755.0 * f( l1+1:l2+1 , m + 3 , n - 1 , ik ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)

                ( 1755.0 * f( l1+3:l2+3 , m + 1 , n - 1 , ik ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)

                ( 1755.0 * f( l1+3:l2+3 , m - 1 , n + 1 , ik ))+&
Warning: Limit of 39 continuations exceeded in statement at (1)
h5pfc   -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8  -c hdf5_io_parallel.f90 -o hdf5_io_parallel.o
make[2]: h5pfc: Command not found
Makefile.src:2711: recipe for target 'hdf5_io_parallel.o' failed
make[2]: *** [hdf5_io_parallel.o] Error 127
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/sbinger1/pencil-code/samples/corona/src'
Makefile.src:2872: recipe for target 'code' failed
make[1]: *** [code] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/sbinger1/pencil-code/samples/corona/src'
Makefile:23: recipe for target 'default_to_be' failed
make: *** [default_to_be] Error 2
'make -j FFLAGS_DOUBLE=-fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 CFLAGS_DOUBLE=-DDOUBLE_PRECISION LD_MPI= CFLAGS_FFTW3= FFLAGS_FFTW3= LD_FFTW3= CFLAGS_FFTW2= FFLAGS_FFTW2= LD_FFTW2= FC=mpif90 F77=mpif77 FFLAGS=-O LDFLAGS_HELPER=-dynamic -ldl FSTD_95=-std=f95 FSTD_2003=-std=f2003 CC=mpicc CFLAGS=-DFUNDERSC=1 default_to_be' failed:  ['\nice -n 15 pc_build --config-files=/home/sbinger1/bin/GNU_Linux.conf ' reported: ]

samples/0d-tests/heating_ionize: (10/59)
    Compiling..            [double]           ok        00:48
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:08
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:57 = 00:48 + 00:08

samples/0d-tests/heating_noionize: (11/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:47
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:48 = 00:47 + 00:00

samples/1d-tests/H2_flamespeed: (12/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:51
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:05
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:57 = 00:51 + 00:06

samples/chiral-diffusion: (13/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:39
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:40 = 00:39 + 00:00

samples/cosmicray: (14/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:53
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:54 = 00:53 + 00:00

samples/1d-tests/sod_10: (15/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:54
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:01
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:56 = 00:54 + 00:01

samples/1d-tests/ambipolar_diffusion: (16/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:02
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:04
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:06 = 01:02 + 00:04

samples/GravitationalWaves: (17/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:37
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:38 = 01:37 + 00:01

samples/polymer/forced_3dturbulence: (18/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:08
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:10
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:19 = 01:08 + 00:10

samples/testfield_z: (19/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:12
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:19
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:31 = 01:12 + 00:19

samples/random_uu_particles: (20/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:12
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        01:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        02:12 = 01:12 + 01:00

samples/1d-tests/solar-atmosphere-temperature: (21/59)
    Compiling..            [double]           ok        00:50
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:14
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:05 = 00:50 + 00:14

samples/kin-dynamo: (22/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:59
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:07
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:07 = 00:59 + 00:08

samples/meissner: (23/59)
    Compiling..            [double]           ok        01:16
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:15
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:32 = 01:16 + 00:15

samples/conv-slab-noequi: (24/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:05
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:33
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:39 = 01:05 + 00:33

samples/2d-tests/selfgravitating-shearwave: (25/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:02
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:02
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:04 = 01:02 + 00:02

samples/2d-tests/streaming_instability: (26/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:11
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:17
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:28 = 01:11 + 00:17

samples/2d-tests/globaldisc: (27/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:06
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:28
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:35 = 01:06 + 00:29

samples/2d-tests/cylindrical_gdisk: (28/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:57
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:57 = 00:57 + 00:00

samples/2d-tests/planet-disk-fargo: (29/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:02
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:03 = 01:02 + 00:00

samples/spherical-globaldisk: (30/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:12
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:12 = 01:12 + 00:00

samples/spherical-globaldisk-mhd: (31/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:24
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:05
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:30 = 01:24 + 00:06

samples/spherical-gdisk-planet-thermo: (32/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:23
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:28
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:52 = 01:23 + 00:28

samples/0d-tests/solar_system: (33/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:53
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:53 = 00:53 + 00:00

samples/mdwarf: (34/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:16
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:14
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:30 = 01:16 + 00:14

samples/sedimentation: (35/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:19
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:02
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:22 = 01:19 + 00:03

samples/MRI-turbulence_hyper: (36/59)
    Compiling..            [double]           ok        01:22
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:09
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:32 = 01:22 + 00:09

samples/dust_turb_globaldisk: (37/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:42
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:07
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:49 = 01:42 + 00:07

samples/geodynamo: (38/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:23
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:07
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:31 = 01:23 + 00:07

samples/2d-tests/cylinder_deposition: (39/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:03
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:08
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:12 = 01:03 + 00:08

samples/2d-tests/selfgravdisk-deadzone-dust: (40/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:10
    Starting..                                ok        00:02
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        03:54
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        05:07 = 01:10 + 03:56

samples/2d-tests/spherical_viscous_ring: (41/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:04
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:02
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:07 = 01:04 + 00:02

samples/2d-tests/field-loop-fargo: (42/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:14
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:01
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:16 = 01:14 + 00:02

samples/baroclinic: (43/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:23
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:13
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:37 = 01:23 + 00:14

samples/1d-tests/sedimentation-noneq-blocks: (44/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:03
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:04 = 01:03 + 00:00

samples/1d-tests/alphadisk: (45/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:51
    Starting..                                ok        00:01
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:01
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        00:54 = 00:51 + 00:03

samples/implicit_resistivity: (46/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:05
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:12
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:18 = 01:05 + 00:12

samples/debris-photoelectric-fluid: (47/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:15
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:05
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:21 = 01:15 + 00:05

samples/2d-tests/debris-photoeletric-streaming: (48/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:18
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:20 = 01:18 + 00:01

samples/2d-tests/Kelvin-Helmholtz: (49/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:02
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:02 = 01:02 + 00:00

samples/2d-tests/selfgravdisk-planet-dust: (50/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:10
    Starting..                                ok        00:02
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        03:54
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        05:07 = 01:10 + 03:56

samples/cylindrical-globaldisk-dzone: (51/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:24
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:01
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:26 = 01:24 + 00:01

samples/2d-tests/selfgravdisk-logspirals: (52/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        00:57
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:02
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:00 = 00:57 + 00:02

samples/2d-tests/turbulent_potential: (53/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:12
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:04
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:16 = 01:12 + 00:04

samples/2d-tests/WhiteDwarfDisk: (54/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:16
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:17 = 01:16 + 00:01

samples/2d-tests/cylinder_ogrid_thermo_chem: (55/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:07
    Starting..                                ok        00:03
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:19
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:31 = 01:07 + 00:23

samples/2d-tests/shallow-water: (56/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:01
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:01
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:03 = 01:01 + 00:02

samples/2d-tests/torque_migration_noniso: (57/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:03
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:19
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:22 = 01:03 + 00:19

samples/sink-particles: (58/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:15
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:16 = 01:15 + 00:00

samples/2d-tests/jupiter-atmosphere-cyclogenesis: (59/59)
    Compiling..                               ok        01:07
    Starting..                                ok        00:00
    Running..              [KEEP_RELOADING]   ok        00:00
    Validating results..                      ok      
    Time used:                                        01:08 = 01:07 + 00:00

### auto-test failed ###
Failed 1 test(s) out of 59:
CPU time (including compilation): 02:19:53u 06:40s
Total wall-clock time:            01:23:34 = 01:05:27 + 17:40

The following configuration has been used:
$config = {
            'runtime' => {
                           'mpiexec_opts' => '',
                           'mpiexec_opts2' => '',
                           'mpiexec' => 'mpiexec'
            'makefile' => {
                            'LD_FFTW2' => '',
                            'LDFLAGS_HELPER' => '-dynamic -ldl',
                            'CC' => 'mpicc',
                            'FC' => 'mpif90',
                            'F77' => 'mpif77',
                            'LD_MPI' => '',
                            'FFLAGS_DOUBLE' => '-fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8',
                            'FFLAGS_FFTW2' => '',
                            'FSTD_2003' => '-std=f2003',
                            'CFLAGS_FFTW2' => '',
                            'MAKE_VAR1' => '-j',
                            'CFLAGS_FFTW3' => '',
                            'FFLAGS' => '-O',
                            'CFLAGS_DOUBLE' => '-DDOUBLE_PRECISION',
                            'FFLAGS_FFTW3' => '',
                            'CFLAGS' => '-DFUNDERSC=1',
                            'LD_FFTW3' => '',
                            'FSTD_95' => '-std=f95'
            'environment' => {
                               'MODULE_PREFIX' => '__',
                               'MODULE_INFIX' => '_MOD_',
                               'MODULE_SUFFIX' => ''
Perl version v5.22.1
Tue Oct 20 01:24:39 2020