Dr. Sven Bingert


See also the listing on


[1] H. Peter, S. Bingert, J. A. Klimchuk, C. de Forest, J. W. Cirtain,
L. Golub, A. R. Winebarger, K. Kobayashi, and K. E. Korreck.
Structure of solar coronal loops: from miniature to large-scale.
A&A, 556:A104, August 2013.
bib |DOI |arXiv ]


[2] P.-A. Bourdin, S. Bingert, and H. Peter.
Observationally driven 3D magnetohydrodynamics model of the solar
corona above an active region.
A&A, 555:A123, July 2013.
bib | DOI | arXiv ]


[3] T. van Wettum, S. Bingert, and H. Peter.
Parameterisation of coronal heating: spatial distribution and
observable consequences.
A&A, 554:A39, June 2013.
bib | DOI | arXiv ]


[4] S. Bingert and H. Peter.
Nanoflare statistics in an active region 3D MHD coronal model.
A&A, 550:A30, February 2013.
bib | DOI | arXiv ]


[5] H. Peter and S. Bingert.
Constant cross section of loops in the solar corona.
A&A, 548:A1, December 2012.
bib | DOI | arXiv ]


[6] H. Peter, S. Bingert, and S. Kamio.
Catastrophic cooling and cessation of heating in the solar corona.
A&A, 537:A152, January 2012.
bib | DOI | arXiv ]


[7] P. Zacharias, H. Peter, and S. Bingert.
Ejection of cool plasma into the hot corona.
A&A, 532:A112, August 2011.
bib | DOI | arXiv ]


[8] P. Zacharias, H. Peter, and S. Bingert.
Investigation of mass flows in the transition region and corona in a
three-dimensional numerical model approach.
A&A, 531:A97, July 2011.
bib | DOI | arXiv ]


[9] S. Bingert and H. Peter.
Intermittent heating in the solar corona employing a 3D MHD model.
A&A, 530:A112, June 2011.
bib | DOI | arXiv ]



[1] H. Peter and S. Bingert.
Dynamics of Active Regions: Observations and 3D MHD Modeling.
In American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #216,
volume 216 of American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, page
#300.05, May 2010.
bib ]


[2] S. Bingert, P. Zacharias, H. Peter, and B. V. Gudiksen.
On the nature of coronal loops above the quiet sun network.
Advances in Space Research, 45:310-313, January 2010.
bib | DOI ]


[3] P. Zacharias, S. Bingert, and H. Peter.
Spectral analysis of 3D MHD models of coronal structures.
Advances in Space Research, 43:1451-1456, May 2009.
bib |DOI | arXiv ]


[4] P. Zacharias, S. Bingert, and H. Peter.
Doppler shifts in the transition region and corona. Mass cycle
between the chromosphere and the corona.
Mem. Soc. Astron. Italiana, 80:654, 2009.
bib ]


[5] P. Zacharias, S. Bingert, and H. Peter.
Spectral Analysis of 3D MHD Models of Quiet Sun and Active Region
In H. Peter, editor, European Solar Physics Meeting,
volume 12 of European Solar Physics Meeting, page 3, September 2008.
bib ]


[6] S. Bingert, P. Zacharias, H. Peter, and B. Gudiksen.
On the Nature of Coronal Loops.
In H. Peter, editor, European Solar Physics Meeting,
volume 12 of European Solar Physics Meeting, page 3, September 2008.
bib ]


[7] H. Peter, S. Bingert, and B. V. Gudiksen.
On the nature of coronal loops.
AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, page C5, May 2008.
bib ]


[8] P. Zacharias, S. Bingert, and H. Peter.
3D MHD models compared to EUV observations of quiet Sun and active
region structures.
In 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, volume 37 of COSPAR
, page 3579, 2008.
bib ]


[9] S. Bingert, P. Zacharias, and H. Peter.
On the nature of coronal loops.
In 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, volume 37 of COSPAR
, page 302, 2008.
bib ]


[10] S. Bingert, H. Peter, B. Gudiksen, and A. Nordlund.
The Structure of the Base of the Corona.
In B. Fleck, T. H. Zurbuchen, and H. Lacoste, editors,
Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, Connecting Sun and Heliosphere
, volume 592 of
ESA Special Publication
, page 471, September 2005.
bib ]


[11] S. Bingert, H. Peter, B. Gudiksen, A. Nordlund, and
W. Dobler.
Analysis of Synthetic EUV Spectra from 3d Models of the Corona.
In R. W. Walsh, J. Ireland, D. Danesy, and B. Fleck, editors,
SOHO 15 Coronal Heating, volume 575 of ESA Special Publication,
page 348, December 2004.
bib ]



PhD thesis

Heating of the Corona in a 3D MDH Forward Model

Realized at Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Freiburg,
Download here:

Diploma work

Verwendung gedünnt simulierter Luftschauer für die
Detektorsimulation von KASCADE-Grande

Realized at Universität Karlsruhe and Institut für Kernphysik,
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany


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